Wrapping Paper Photo Frame Mat Project

I was snowed in all day and got my 'DIY' fix by recovering the mats of some photo frames I have been wanting to change.  Instead of buying new mats to make the photo frames more stylish I went to my craft closet, and made one using wrapping paper!  

You can also use fabric or pretty paper like scrapbooking paper for this project!

Here's how to do this DIY project:

Supplies you need:

1. Frame with mat
2. Dorm Tape (I love this stuff because it sticks to so much and peels off easily) BUT you can use scotch tape instead.
3. Wrapping paper
4. Scissors


- Roll out your wrapping paper and place the mat on it face down. 


- Cut around the mat to make it easier to work with.


- Fold in each of the long sides and tape them down using the Dorm Tape or Scotch Tape.  No need to fold in the shorter sides.  I just taped them down like this photo.


- Draw an X from corner to corner inside the mat using a pencil and a ruler.


- Using your scissor, make a hole in the center of the X then follow the pencil marks corner to corner to corner.


- Fold back the pieces you just cut up, cutting off the excess that reaches past the mat.  
-Tape them down like photo below.


- Cut off short ends that you taped down in STEP 3.  You won't see the outer mat edge cuts when you place them back in the frame.

DONE! Place back in the frame!

This photo is now as delicious as the sweet snack this blue eyed baby is eating!

Here are the two other DIY frame mats I worked on today!  Want to get instructions on how easy it was to do these also?  
