My Favorite Pumpkins This Fall

"Rock-a-bye pumpkin, on the tree top.."  

I skipped as I left the pumpkin patch today with the hottest green pumpkin! I love the look and taste of granny smith apples and this one looks like one on steroids.  Pumpkins can make a fun statement and dress up the outside and inside of your home.  They can have brilliant color, fun imperfections, and last longer than a bouquet of flowers (try bringing a bouquet of gourds to your next dinner party).  

This blog entry is dedicated to pumpkins, the squash-like fruit that range in size from less than 1 pound to over 1,000 pounds. To all the people and pumpkins out there, I hope the weather is grand by you.  It has been raining cats and dogs the last two days around here.  I have been going bananas with all the rain. Then the sun came out today, I felt a slight breeze, and smelt that autumn air. I am finally getting into the Fall season! Seems like everyone has--except for my mail carrier who is rockin' shorts (you go girl!).  

So after checking on the progress of a reno project I am working on in Easton PA I  pulled on a purple tweed sweater and headed to Grim's in Breinigsville.  I wanted to see what pumps besides the classic orange were all the rage this year. Grim's is a great place for pickin' pumpkins and they have a giant corn maze that is carved out differently each yr.     
Orange, orange on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?  At this pumpkin patch, about a million.  I asked if I could win a prize if I guessed how many could turn into Cinderella's stage coach.  
I fell in love with an enormous albino White Pumpkin and slipped it my phone number;
Then I did a double take on some pumpkins covered in peanut shells.  These pumpkins looked like they were painted the most gorgeous water colors, then dreadfully drowned with the shells like warts. They are appropriately called Peanut Pumpkins.  

I filled a cute little red wagon with my pumpkins, downed some honey sticks, and headed home.  I couldn't wait to place my pumps all around my house.  It is so much fun.  Here are some great sites with ideas of how to decorate with pumpkins this fall: 

I added pumpkins to my front door, in my front mulch, and to my bird bath.  I am waiting for my homeowners association to approve some minor cosmetic changes to the front of my home, so until then, it's all about the pumps. 

Get creative with where you place your pumpkins.  Happy October!!
