This adventurous couple are done with the floral skirted sofa, the traditional wing back chairs, the peach paint, the pastel painted oversized ceramic table lamps, and the idea of a 'living room' in general. They are ready for designs by Shoshana! We are in the process of creating a new space that will be a loungy library chock full of this couples spirit:
So far we added a fireplace, and designed a custom alcove that, when complete, will house a water feature. Two sconces will be added in an oil bronze finish.
A beautiful wooden floor was installed, a dark chocolate leather sofa has been ordered, and two double bookcases in a nice rich merlot. Walls will be painted two tones of green.
Two chairs will be upholstered in this fun floral pattern, along with dramatic blue drapes, and round ottomans will finish the updated room. Their daughter is a talented photographer whose photographs of luscous flowers will be displayed in the space. Should be complete in a few weeks- STAY TUNED!