Good Bye 2009

I sat outside my house in the blistfully cold air today and watched the sun set behind the mountains. With all of the changes we take in (like it or not) throughout life, the glow of that yellow orange fireball descending behind the horizon is a constant-and that is why I treasure it; finding joy and inspiration from it.  As an Interior Decorator I get to design spaces that, no matter what the day brings, one can find joy and inspiration in their home. 

Feels like a lifetime ago when I worked behind a desk in my past career.  This was my office on the 25 floor of the MetLife Bldg in Grand Central Station, NYC. 

This was my view.

Now my office is anywhere I can get wi-fi on the road and my hours depend on how little sleep I can get away with.  I mean, when you can create something like this:

Out of this:

And make someone so happy because you could turn a pair of treasured settees into funky chic pieces of art that befits them, I can't think of a better thank you.  Stay tuned for the rest of the redesigned space in 2010 (the hot pink pillow is a hint)!

Thank you 2009!
Looking forward to 2010!
