I am very excited this morning! I am going to present my newest room re-design to my client. This is my favorite part. It is also the most nervous part. I worked very hard to make this space, a home office for three young girls, functional (to do homework, read and have some fun). The most important thing was to give them each a sense of individuality and a little lot in the room to claim as their own. Yet tie the room together so it flows well. This was a bit of a challenge considering the moderate size, the floor vents, and two doors. I also incorporated a storage cubby for coats, shoes and backpacks per the momma's wish. I will tell you how it went and, if all goes well, show photos of the AFTER. In the meantime please enjoy this clean budget friendly presentation board.
Below is a close up of two walls in the room where the 3 girls will do homework. I positioned two of the desks on the same wall then, for privacey, added a curtain btwn them. I used 3 colors in the room, each girls' favorite. I wanted to give them a place to sit back and relax, and chose a chaise over a sofa which would have taken up too much needed space.