My ‘Kinder-Newbie’

The greatest thing about having a blog is that you can write about whatever you want. Today I registered my daughter for kindergarten and I feel the need to tell you what I learned. I learned that I am more of a baby than my little baby. Here is my story that has nothing to do with interior design.

As soon as I walked through the school doors, a name tag was slapped on to my daughter’s Hello Kitty t-shirt and instantly she was escorted down the hall by a stranger to what will be her kindergarten classroom. I was left dumbfounded, whimpering in my black jeans, watching her disappear around the corner and grow up before my eyes.

And just as quickly as the first tear fell down my cheek I was bombarded with information on the school, the busing, and everything else that went along with registration. But I could not concentrate. I was stuck on the vision of her walking down that hallway without me. Where was my information packet on how to deal with her growing up?? Where is my folder filled with ideas on how to be comfortable with this?

I am getting whip flash thinking about how quickly time has passed. I remember my first day of kindergarten. I remember nervously waiting for the bus to come. I attached a photo so you can see the fear on my face. I looked like a red picnic tablecloth. My lunchbox is almost as big as me, and check out all the construction paper choking me around the neck. Kindergarteners were treated like luggage apparently, with large identification tags sticking out of every crevice. Maybe my Christmas present size paper tag was so big because it had to spell out my full name – can you imagine! You can see my sister in the background laughing at me. My Mom was too busy taking photos and smiling from ear to ear to notice the sweat pour down my forehead (or maybe it was the huge bangs that hid it so well).

When the bus came I remember waving and seeing her tear up. I wondered why she was the one crying. I was the one leaving her. Oh no- she was leaving me for the first time -Now I understand.

To all the ‘Kinder-newbie’s’ out there - Best of luck on this long journey ahead of you. And to all the ‘Kinder-newbie’s’ Moms – Best of luck getting through this!
